
Power-up your Product Videos

When you operate in a competitive space like the aerospace sector, it's vital to pick effective mechanisms for new product launches.

For businesses, video is a core component of marketing strategy, with over 86% of companies now using video as a marketing tool.

We know from experience that product videos are high on the list of company must-have content and were not surprised when a recent survey said 94% of people had watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

That said, for aerospace and space businesses with complex stories and often multiple stakeholders to convince, getting video wrong can be painful and costly.

But Aerospace audience, fear not, All Frontiers have got you covered.

We've put together a short guide to consult when considering video for your next product launch.

Start with your narrative.

When creating a product video, your goal should be to build a storyline that grabs your viewer. Start with an outline of your product proposition focusing on three areas:

  • What problem does your product solve for your customer?
  • What is the impact your product delivers?
  • Why does it do this better than your competitor (or better than your previous product)?

Your product video should speak to your customers pain points and make your product the hero in their story.

A couple of key things to consider:

What's your hook - viewers have short attention spans, so give them a reason to keep watching. What tactics will you use to capture attention right from the off?

Be concise: keep your product promo down to 60 - 90 seconds. A video that runs longer is hard work for the viewer. If you’ve got too much to say, hold onto their attention with a series of feature-focused videos instead.

Where will you use your video?

Your video might not be a one-size-fits-all solution. To be effective across your digital channels, you might need to consider multiple edits of your content.
Ask yourself:

  • Do I want a full-length hero film. The sort of thing you use at events or in sales meetings?  
  • Do I intend to use it on social media? Social media users expect to consume short, sharp, snackable content.
  • Would some edits focussing on individual product features be useful? Think about website product pages and sales presenters.

Be clear about how your video fits into your overall strategy and the objectives you want to achieve. Make sure you include all channels and formats needed to drive customer engagement with your product launch.

Consider types of media.

Once you've got a powerful story and how and where you want to share it, you need to decide the best format to tell it in.


Traditionally the go-to for product launch video, live-action has some key benefits:

  • It shows real people interacting with or using your product.
  • Real people and real situations create meaningful connections - the viewer sees them self in your product story.

Computer Generated Imagery

When the product you are launching is embedded deep within the machinery of a craft or system, demonstrating its value can be challenging. For OEMs and technical businesses, in particular, CGI can be highly effective by:

  • immersing your viewer in the hidden story of your product
  • exploding products into components to help viewers visualise the benefits
  • breaking apart complex processes, and making tangible the vital role of your product

Mixed media

Often, the best choice is a combination of the two. All Frontiers has worked with many clients to blend live-action with CGI and give customers the best of both worlds.

Mixed media used in product promotions can amp up the effectiveness of your video, making the viewer feel central to the story and delivering real insight into the hidden world of your product. Check out this video we made for

Don't forget what you stand for.

Your film or animation should be a clear demonstration of your brand. Not only should your business be instantly recognisable, but the video should also align with your other communications both visually and tonally.

Getting your tone right is often more of a consideration in the Aerospace sector. A poorly executed video would be a commercial disaster for a business selling safety-critical parts.

Close & convert.

What do you want your video to achieve? Successful videos are clear about the action they want their viewer to take and make it easy for them to do it.

Your call to action could be a simple link to your website or a direct phone number for your sales team. And, if you feature the video on your website, you could consider using an automated customer assistant like Intercom or similar.

Remember: Including a clear CTA is how you maximise the opportunity and deliver ROI.

So that’s it, we said it was a short guide. Product video strategy isn't rocket science (we’ll leave that for companies like yours) BUT it does require a special skill. And if you’d rather focus on your day jobs then don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at All Frontiers, our team of video and animation experts will be happy to help.

email us at: hello@all-frontiers.com